Saturday, 19 February 2011

Top 5 Games I dislike (That everyone else loves)

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Here is my video where i take a look at 5 video games that i really didn't like all that much, yet everyone else seems to adore, and yes this video is likely to be controversial so you have been warned!

(Oh and don't look at the tags they give my choices away, lol)

Follow the Astro Ignition Team: ; James Petford (Myself):

Ben Thomas: ;

Tashfin Shahid:

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Astro Ignition Gaming Podcast Episode #201: The Handheld Wars

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Hello folks time for another episode of our gaming podcast. Its the new year 2011 so its time for a new look (and number!)

This months topic: The handheld wars. Will the 3DS trounce the newly announced NGP or will it be the other way around?

Follow the Astro Ignition Team: ; James Petford (Myself):

Ben Thomas: ;

Tashfin Shahid: